High-ticket spas may intimidate some potential customers, but they should never intimidate your sales force. 

That’s the takeaway from Rob Shackelford, a Bullfrog Spas Regional Manager who has devised a conversion-focused “Triangle Method” for dealers to sell Bullfrog’s premium Swim Series spas. 

“Every customer should be viewed, at least initially, as a potential Swim Series Swim Spa customer,” says Shackelford, dismissing concerns that the premium line might induce sticker shock. “They probably haven’t thought of a swim spa before coming through the door. It’s our job to make sure that they consider it.” 

The products he wants them to consider are the S150 and S200 which meld the company’s JetPak therapy system with feature-laden larger spas — 12.6-foot and 17-foot in length, respectively — that let users gather, have water-based workouts with customizable fitness programs and swim.  

The increase in seats, size, and features means an increase in price points. But that should not be seen as a barrier in luxury sales, says Shackelford, adding that dealers need to set the stage for their salespeople to be successful.  

And that’s  where “The Triangle Method,” comes in.  

Simply put, Shackelford shows potential consumers three models— the points of a triangle — in a precise sequence to enhance the perceived value of Swim Spas. Here’s the script:  

The Triangle Method  

Setting: A Spa Dealership with three Bullfrog spas set up so that the premium model (like an M9 or M8) is closest to the entrance, nearby is the S150 Swim Spa, and a lower price point model like an A7 or A7L spa is toward the back.  

A potential consumer enters the dealership and is greeted by a relaxed salesperson. After engaging the customer, the salesperson introduces the premium portable spa (M9 or M8), extolling the model’s flexible lounge seating, six Jet-Packs and capacious 7′ 10″ x 7′ 10″ frame. It’s a low-key introduction to a premium product. The salesperson suggests add-ons, including a stereo system and a popular spa step, and quotes, for example, a $28,534 MSRP. 

The Salesperson 

Let’s move on. I just wanted to show you those quality Bullfrog Spa features.  Now, let’s get a little bit more specific about what your needs are. 

The SALESPERSON begins walking toward the lower-priced portable spa model. But, passing by the S150, he or she stops and points out the model, which is much larger and has more features than the premium model. 

The Salesperson 

Hey, I just want to show you this real quick. We sell a lot of these. You can swim, you can gather and you can exercise. 

The Salesperson now turns his or her back on the customer to continue toward the lower priced model. This is the key moment. Ideally, the customer is now admiring the much larger spa, which has been carefully staged to create a roomy, outdoor environment (adorned with picnic table, plants and an outdoor rug), and is envisioning the S150 in their backyard 

Author’s Note: When the Salesperson turns away, they are silently saying, “I’m not trying to sell this to you.” The customer is now compelled to do one of two things: either follow the Salesperson — most likely because they assume the S150 is out of their price range or they don’t have the space for it — or ask “the magic question,” which creates an opportunity to showcase the S150. What’s the magic question? Here:   


How much is that one?  


It’s funny. It’s almost the same price as the spa I just showed you. 

Additional Scenes & Best Practices 

After hearing this line, many customers are hooked. If they ask for numbers, the salesperson can explain that the S150 just is a few thousand dollars more than the $28,534 MSRP they were quoted for the premium model. If the customer wants to know more, Shackelford advises the salesperson to grab two S150 brochures and, if there is continued interest, go through the entire brochure.  

Now the brochure becomes a script, allowing the salesperson — and the customer — to comfortably review the spa, point by point. If, at some point, the customer mentions training for a triathlon or having a kid on the swim team, the salesperson should suggest looking at the S200 — highlighting that the larger Swim Series Spa is designed for more rigorous workouts.  

The staging and casual presentation laid out in the above script are best practices, says Shackelford, because they are designed to inform potential customers, inspire them to dream and inquire, and showcase the relational value of the Swim Spa to the premium portable model. 

Kristy Sabey, the Bullfrog Retail Merchandising Specialist, who works on showroom design and presentation agrees with Shackelford on staging as it relates to sales.  

 “We lay out the showroom with the higher-end spas in the front because it’s easier to come back to a middle ground if the first spa you see is at a high price point.” 

Sabey also recommends dealers place a Bullfrog Spas interactive kiosk near the Swim Series spas. “Using the kiosk really helps customers see the experience — in a backyard, with a cute little patio furniture set and plants. And you can show them all the features, options and accessory kits.”   

But to get to that step, Shackelford says, dealers need to push their staff to learn the triangle method.  

“It’s just a matter of showing the product to every single customer that walks in the door — period. At worst, the customer will now know that Bullfrog Spas offers a high-end Swim Series. They may tell a friend, or they may file the information away for a future purchase. But at best, they’ll ask the magic question. And trust me, that will lead to sales.”